Well, next week begins my adventure into grad school.
It’s hard to believe I made it to this point.
As some of you know after about a year, definitely two years, of working at the
UND’s (University of North Dakota) Chester Fritz Library I was sure that
Library Science was for me.
Life got in
the way and finally last year I finished my Bachelors of Science in Public
Administration which paved the way to start library school. I will be attending
San Jose State University online starting on January 23 although one class has
already started. I’m excited and nervous all at once and just this ball of
My goals while in grad school is to keep improving my
organization techniques and to hopefully defeat my procrastination and of
course learn all about libraries, information and all sorts of awesome things
because I love to learn. So, I have
improved some of my study habits, but suggestions are always welcomed. Although
studying does sometimes lead to this:
But I don’t think that can be helped. I will be blogging along
the way about things that excite me, things I learn, papers I’m writing and
anything that strikes my fancy about libraries. (And sometimes general life
type things)